Living Life Sinny-Sized Biography
Sienna Surprised her mom by being a twin. She and her twin were born early so Sienna weighed a little less than 1 1/2 lbs. The doctors knew she was going to have some medical problems, but didn't know exactly what to expect. They didn't think she would be able to have a normal life. However, Sienna was very stubborn, and God His hand on her. after 108 days in the hospital, sienna went home. She was diagnosed with a form of Dandy Walker, Chronic Lung Disease (for which she was required to use an oxygen tank for over a year) and was fed through a feeding tube that had been inserted into her stomach. She had pneumonia several times and had surgery to repair a hole in her heart. as she grew older,she didn't grow as fast as her twin sister, Sierra. The doctors discovered that she had a form of Primordial Dwarfism, a type of Dwarfism that less than 200 people in the world have. Even though, Sienna has many things that might sound scary, she has a wonderful attitude and an ability to enrich everyone's life that comes into contact with her. she knows that she is meant for BIG things. This is the story of her beginning. (Price includes tax and shipping.)
Donate to The Potentials Foundation
The Potentials Foundation is a US-based non-profit group that educates, encourages and helps Primordial Dwarf families with various PD-related expenses.
Donate to the Walking with Giants foundation
_The WWG foundation is a UK-based non-profit group that educates,
encourages and helps Primordial Dwarf families with various PD-related
Donate to the Little People of America
Little People of America, Inc., is a national nonprofit organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families.