Sienna and her mom, Chrissy, at another book signing at the 10 Forward Lounge in Hollywood, CA.
Photo courtesy of Bob Delgadillo photos. |
Chrissy Bernal, author of Sinny-Size Series w/her twins Sienna and Sierra Bernal and young celebrities Victoria Strauss, Lauren Suthers & Spencer Owens during Red Carpet Arrivals the Golden Globes Gifting Suite. All photos courtesy of Model Actor Photography — with Miranda Spigener, Renee ModelActor-photography at Station Hollywood.
Chrissy Bernal, author of Sinny-Size Series w/her twins Sienna and Sierra Bernal and young celebrity Karter Percival during Red Carpet Arrivals the Golden Globes Gifting Suite. All photos courtesy of Model Actor Photography — with Miranda Spigener, Renee ModelActor-photography, Chrissy Bernal, Sierra Bernal and Miranda Spigener at Station Hollywood.